Monday, August 16, 2010

New roof and insulation

In addition to doors and windows, we also put on a new roof, pictured here. The 2nd pic is part of the back of the house with the new space. We have been praising the roof so many times as we've gotten a lot of rain this summer! The roof is weathered grey from HD and the roofers put a whole new one on (existing house+addition) in 1.5 days. Amazing!

Also, I don't have any pics, but after the framing, doors+windows, came a round of inspections including rough-ins for the plumber, electrician and HVAC. The plumber passed with flying colors, and the HVAC and electrician only needed minor "revisions" to their work to pass... then it was on to the framing inspection, which we passed on the first day (unheard of!). Then we were allowed to insulate. One LOOOONG night was spent insulating with Larry, Bev, Demas and Ev, who sweated and worked until midnight. The next morning came early at 6am, giving a little time to finish up the task before the inspection that day. The hard work paid off though, because that passed as well and we were able to call in the sheetrockers for work while we took a little vacation to the beach.

1 comment:

  1. The new roof looks nice! Building a house is a very challenging yet exciting phase in our life. I'm sure that this historic house project was done successfully. I would love to see some new photos of the house since the construction. Keep the blog updated! :)

    Sasha Herrick
