Without our special permit in hand, we've still been hard at work over the last month and a half fixing up room 1 that we're keeping in the existing house. This is the first room to the left as you head into the house. It is the room that needs the least amount of work, and it's taken us about a month and half to paint. whoops! below are some before pictures.
Light tan needs a new paint job, door is missing to hallway, but otherwise in decent shape from this angle.

Awesome original fireplace to be kept intact, horribly weird closet to be corrected.
it looks like your weird existing crown molding is the same as in our new house. apparently you are supposed to be able to hang stuff (like pictures) from it. strange. cool i guess. no...just strange. well, my jury is out. my mom thinks we should keep ours but just add to it right below it. hard to explain